Supporting Schools, Families and Students

Schools, educators and parents are struggling to meet the diverse and dynamic needs of their learners and children. We are here to help.

  • Free Expert Consultation with schools, districts and administrators on supporting student safety, including protection from online harassment, relationship abuse and bullying.

  • Online Professional Development for faculty and staff. Innovatively designed and grounded in best-practices and top teacher and staff issues. Topics include: Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response; Advancing Healthy Relationships; Healthy Boundary Education, and more.

  • Policy and Process Development for Misconduct Investigations, Victim Response, Reporting and Resolution.

  • Remote Workshops and Education for Students. Accessible, innovative and well-reviewed by tweens and teens. “Living Your Best Life Online”, “Managing Healthy Boundaries”, “Healthy Relationships and Love 101”, and more.

The Problem

The problem is urgent: Widespread sexual harassment, bullying, and relationship violence in schools and online. Addressing these issues, their causes, and their pervasive impacts is overwhelming to both teens and adults who have few resources to which they can turn.  

About Us + What We Do

Experts committed to addressing these issues using research-based practices. Email for the fastest response.

Relation-Shift received the Harvard Graduate School of Education “Entrepreneurship in Education Award” and was founded at the Harvard Innovation Lab. Relation-Shift is founded and operated by advocates and educators with expertise and experience in relationship and sexual violence prevention, resolution and response as well as classroom management and youth development.